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How to overcome low self-esteem

Updated: Jul 1, 2019

Are you suffering from constant self-criticism leading to low self-esteem. You may be interested to learn that a key CBT practitioner called Paul Gilbert develop a form of therapy called compassion focused therapy to treat low self-esteem, shame and self-criticism.

If you are looking for ways to overcome self-criticism, negative self talk or low self-esteem then self-compassion (compassion focused therapy CFT) could be for you.

How to overcome low self-esteem

Compassion and self compassion are so important for our own and others well being and self-esteem. Often people lack compassion for themselves and become overly critical and speak negatively to themselves. This is often the key feature in many mental health problems, especially low self-esteem. Learning how to speak and treat ourselves with compassion and care can take time and sometimes we need guidance with this but the impact this can have in our lives is incredible.

This is central to my practice as a therapist. I believe in the healing affect of self compassion. We allow ourselves to be at peace with what has been, understanding and feeling it was not our fault we were born into the world, with these past experiences and hardships. We can learn to understand why we respond the way we do based on our past experiences and then take responsibility for acting differently thus healing our pain in the process. We are then able to look towards a brighter more compassionate future and future that is free the binds of low self-esteem.

How to overcome low self-esteem

If you feel compassion focused therapy could help unlock your past pain and help you to develop a compassionate attitude towards yourself then get in touch.

How to overcome low self-esteem

Help for low self-esteem in Cheshire, help for low self esteem in Northwich, CBT in Northwich, therapy for low self esteem, counselling for low self esteem, counselling for low self esteem in Northwich, therapy for low self esteem in Cheshire, therapy for low self esteem in Sandbach, compassion focused therapy in Sandbach 

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